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January 2021: Bringing Life into Alignment Through the Chakras


This month we will use the influence of the chakra system to bring alignment into our lives and move with purpose at the start of the new year. January’s series includes:

  • 60-min: Yoga Nidra 1

  • 60-min: Meditation & Journaling

  • 60-min: Chakra-themed solar flow 

  • 60-min: Chakra-themed lunar flow 

  • 90-min Live workshop: Journaling Through the Chakras, Bringing Life Into Alignment

Beginning January 3, 2021  subscribers will receive the links to each of the hour-long videos that will be yours to revisit, replay, and reuse through January 31st. You will also receive the exclusive link to this month’s LIVE Journaling workshop, to be held Saturday, January 16, 2021, from 3pmEST-4:30pmEST. Can’t make it? No worries: after the session, every subscriber will receive the link to an edited version of the workshop, available for replay through the end of the month.

Yoga Nidra: Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious

Delicious on its own or at the end of your asana practice, this hour-long practice will leave you feeling renewed and well-rested. In this session, the classic Yoga Nidra I script from Swami Satyananda Saraswati has been adapted to ever-so-subtly include the offerings of each chakra.

Meditation & Journaling: Connecting to the Chakras

In this month’s journaling session we will take a guided journey through the chakras and create unique affirmations for security, creativity, empowerment, love, expression, intuition, and connection. 

Solar Flow: Surya Namaskar A & B

This month’s solar offering will help you build stamina, making this an ideal sequence to repeat throughout the month. Activating Ujjayi pranayama to fuel our internal fire, this sequence begins with seven rounds of Surya Namaskar A, followed by a variation of Surya Namaskar B designed to build momentum and prepare the body for the master arm balance Koundinyasana

Lunar Flow: A Chandra Dedication to the Chakras

This month’s lunar flow includes seven meditative rounds of Chandra Namaskar, each dedicated to one of the seven chakras. This session includes more than ten minutes of bonus material, preceding our chandra sequences with a seated chakra meditation and following them with seven restorative postures that invite us to absorb the lessons of each energetic center.

LIVE WORKSHOP: Journaling Through the Chakras, Bringing Life Into Alignment

In this month’s LIVE journaling workshop, taking place Saturday, January 16, 2021, from 3pmEST-4:30pmEST, we will build on the work begun in this month’s Meditation & Journaling session. While the 60-minute session will empower you to connect with the chakras in your own words, our LIVE workshop will dive deeper, supporting you and co-creating space in which we will identify the chakra energies that are most apparent in our actions and which you can tap into to bring our life into greater alignment. The session will be recorded, but all participant conversation and input will be edited out before the link is shared and made available for replay through the end of the month.

Suggested props for this series include a yoga mat, strap, 2-3 blocks, a bolster, 1-2 blankets, and a writing journal.

Your enrollment in this month-long series is a one-time payment (not a monthly subscription).

Thank you so much for sharing your practice with me! I look forward to flowing with you!

In gratitude,

Selena Brown of Pramana Wellness

Teacher-Owner at The Connective

PS - We believe in honoring the value of teaching and offering a practice that is accessible. The Connective now offers a tiered pricing structure for monthly all-access. If you need to pay less for any reason, we encourage you to pay the reduced community rate. If you are relatively stable financially, please pay the standard rate.